Moolathara tragedy, 5 years ago

It was again a Sunday on November 9th 2009. It was raining all the way from 8th November. Hardly did anyone think the tragedy that could struck them. Earlier the day Moolathara Dam regulator-cum-bridge broke away due to heavy rain waters gushing into it from Aliyar.

Though this was not a major setback as it happened in 1992 (If I remember correctly there were human casualties too then), lot of farmers had to give up their cultivable land to river in Chittur.

The point of publishing this article today is to do a study of have we got better after this incident. The answer is definitely NO. The political parties were not interested about this incident because there were no human casualties? Or was it because it could not get justice from its big brother state Tamil Nadu?

Whatever may be the reasons, people living by the river sides are still vulnerable.

I could find some news about the event upon googling:

Some news articles about the incident:
The New Indian Express
The Hindu
The Hindu, Gushing waters

This day is also special to me because 5 years ago I was in my marriage function. The news of the tragedy reached all of us only after I was married.


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